Wednesday, September 27, 2006

As some authors, the technology of sound transmission for waves of radio was developed by Italian Marconi, at the end of the century XIX. Others plead that was developed by Croatian Nikola Tesla.
In the same time in 1893, in Brazil, a called priest Roberto Landell of Moura also looked for similar results, in experiences done in São Paulo.
The inventions as telephone (for Alexander Graham Bell or Antonio Meucci), the phonograph (for Thomas Edison), the microphone (in 1877, by Émile Berliner), the tuned in electric circuit (in 1897, by Oliver Lodge) and the own waves of radio (in 1887, by Heinrich Rudolph Hertz) they lied the land that facilitated the creation of a new middle of communication.
Among the several radiocomunicação modalities it is the broadcasting. This uses only the transmission of radio through stations commercial transmissoras, being the reception due to those that possess equipment to capture the programs, music and emitted sounds.
Second Martin Barbero, the radio is the media that offers larger access possibility in the time and in the space. This popular character demands a colloquial, synthetic language from the editor of a radiojornalismo program and disposed in short and clear sentences. They consider some that the first transmission radiofônica of the world was accomplished in 1906, in the USA for Lee of Forest experimentalmente to test the valve tríodo as component of electronic amplification recently invented by itself.
In 1907 Forest it transmitted programs musical experimentalmente for the city of New York, being one of the first known commercial transmissions and thankfully with audience, although academic. Fourteen years later, the development of the short waves would facilitate the international transmissions. In 1922, for occasion of the Centennial of the Independence of Brazil, the Brazilian broadcasting was inaugurated, with the first transmission accomplished in Rio de Janeiro.
In the same year, in the USA, the first commercial radio station, WEAF, appeared of New York, created by the company phone Telegraph and Telephone Company (current AT&T). The first radio station of Brazil went to Rádio Sociedade, in Rio, founded by Roquette Pinto and Henrique Morize.
In a Brazil still without television, he/she lived him the time of the peak of the success of that middle of communication, the call was of the Radio, where famous names, as the one of the gaitista Maurício Einhorn began to stand out (Magazine Sees, 2.11.2005, pág.114).
Among the decades from 1930 to 1950, the radio lived its call " it was Made of Gold ", as the main media for popularization of information, artists and talents, close to the Movies. The government's authorization Vargas for the publicity veiculação in the radio, in 1932, gave to the new media a commercial and popular pulse. In the same year, the government began to distribute concessions of channels to individuals and private companies. In 1934, it appeared to Rádio Mayrink Veiga, in Rio de Janeiro, one of the most important of the country for the three following decades. The following year, they were created to Radio Jornal do Brasil and Rádio Tupi, two issuing historical that exist even today. In 1936, it shows up to National Radio, that led audience for 20 years and it transformed the patterns of language of the Brazilian radio. The radio is a middle of communication to which most of the population has access. For being of an instrument of low cost, small load and diversified programmings, it exercises a larger incidence in the people's daily life, so much in urban as rural zones. He is rich in suggestion and its capacity of creating images, to establish affective liaisons and to raise a warm intimacy sensation with the listener that receives the message in its solitude, it facilitates the adhesion, the affective identification - more than intellectual - to her.
Due to the access easiness, to the wide covering and the flexibility, the radio offers countless possibilities for the education the distance in the development of programs of formal and not formal education.
When using that allied resource to the public schools, the capacity of creative strategies is enlarged for a quality education the far away to arrive possible.
That communication vehicle has as its characteristic I appeal of the direct speech with the public, the intimate contact between the listener and the speaker. The radio creates the opportunity for a mutual identification with the population, integrating into the the community's atmosphere relative's daily routine, with great mobilization potential and popularization.
Thus, motivated by the culture of the oralidade, for its great penetration power in the rural areas - great part without access the electric energy - and for the lowest costs in relation to other mídias, the radio is still the main middle of communication, being justified its great partnership potential for the education.
Its educational use can be accomplished using music and texts in pedagogic sessions, aiding in several contents teachers and students, that starting from its local realities, they are going defining teaching strategies in its schools.
One of the positive points of having that resource in the school is to make use of the local peculiarities in its contents programáticos, giving to teachers and students the opportunity to improve its solemnity it esteems.
More recently, the graduation course was registered in Radialismo in which capable professionals are formed to produce programs Receiver THE function of the radioreceptor it is the decoding of the signs received eletromagnéticos of the space, captured by the antenna, transforming them in sound waves, signs digital analogical e/ou. The television and the radio automotivo, for example, they are receiving.
The equipment is connected to a receiving antenna, a syntony system and audio amplifiers, video e/ou digital signs. Transmitter THE radiotransmissor converts sound, analogical signs or you type in waves eletromagnéticas, sending them for the space through an antenna transmissora, for they be received by a radioreceptor, for example, issuing of AM, FM or of TV besides LW. The radiate-transceptor, it works in the two ways, as transmitter and receiver, some transceptor examples are, the cellular telephone, the radars in the airports, the equipments of communications in official vehicles, and of private companies. Modalities besides the broadcasting, other modalities exist in the use of issuing equipments of radiofreqüência that you/they influence in the radiocomunicações.
* Radiotelegrafia, quite used middles of the decade of 1970 even. After the coming of the digitalização, the transcepção through code morse dropped commercially in disuse and militarmente, although utilizadores of the radiotelegrafia still exists. * Radiotelefonia still used, even so in another manners, for example, the cellular telephones are radilotelefonia manners. * Radioemissora is not necessarily broadcasting, or radiocomunicação. A radioemissora can emit signs of radio for the most several ends, from military to industrial. * Radiocomunicação is the used modality. * Radiogoniometria is a radiolocalização modality. A radiogoniômetro locates a radiofreqüência emission of any modality. * Radiolocalização is a radiogoniometria form. A radiofarol, for example, being a radioemissor, it emits signs that are received by a radiogoniômetro, that tends a system reception monodirecional, he/she makes the triangulação of the radio station, locating it accurately. * Radiotherapy for Diathermy, chamdo for some of the medical middle of Short Waves. This system, although it doesn't belong to the subject radiocomunicação, he/she has its relevance, because, it is one of the largest interferentes (Poluidor) in the radiocomunicações. It is an equipment transmitter of radiofreqüência of high potency used in medicine and not in communication. He/she/it should not also confuse with Radiotherapy for Radiação Ionizante), this is accomplished in the length of wave of the ray-x. * Radiocirurgia, doesn't also say respect, even certain way, to the radiocomunicação, because, it is a modality of the use of potententes transmitters of called radiofreqüência of Electronic Bisturís. These equipments can be used like electronic Cauterizadores, Eletrocoaguladores, besides efficient equipments of court of alive fabrics. In the neurocirurgias they are excellent for they cause less damages than the sheets of court of the conventional bisturís. Its relevance to the radiocomunicação gives him for the fact of they be (together to the diathermy equipments) great poluidores of the spectrum eletromagnético. Digital radio TO digital radio is a recent alternative for the communication that allows that the transmissions for FM have quality of CD and the transmissions for AM they have quality similar to traditional FM.

The subject of the digital radio, in opposition to the digital TV, seems to be well guided. Brazil already possesses an established transmission model, it is IBOC (In Band On Channel). This is the pattern developed by the Americans for the digital radio and it facilitates the transmission of the digital sign simultaneously with the analogical sign. It was established one period of “Simulcasting” (simultaneous transmission of both signs). According to estimates of the Association of the Radio stations of Radio and Television of the State of São Paulo, the whole mesh of receivers of radio will be modernized for the digital format in ten years. That is to say, during this period it will happen the simulcasting so that all the people can have conditions of acquiring an apparel of digital radio. This new transmission format also brings several possibilities for the radio stations. For being a digital way, the transmission of radio it can also include besides the sound, videos and images. In United States transmissions of images are already accomplished for the apparels of radios. Bulletins metereológicos and about the conditions of traffic of the city they possess support of maps that are transmitted by the screens included in the receivers. Now, as it is of habit with whole new product in the market, the receivers of digital radio are with a relatively high price. With passing of the years this cost it will be decreased considerably. The receiving automotivos is in the strip of the R$900,00 and the common receivers are costing about of R$ 700,00. Values still distant of the reality of most of the listeners of radio. One of the positive factors brought by the digital radio is the considerable improvement in the quality of the audio. The quality of the transmission AM will be improved for the landing of the transmission in FM. And the current transmission in FM will be aprimorada for the quality of CD. With these new characteristics in favor, the expectation that is it is that the radio is revitalized with the entrance of this new technology.
Snail Radiates or Rádio Caracol is one of the main chains radiofônicas of Colombia. She was born in Medellín, in 1948, like Colombian Radial Cadena S.A (Chain Colombian Radiofônica), when half of Emisoras Nuevo Mundo (Issuing New World) of Bogota they were acquired for the Voice of Antioquia.
The chain of radios belonged to industrial Julio Mario Santodomingo up to 2004, when the managerial group PRISA - Promoter of Informaciones S.A. (Promoter of Informações S.A.) he/she bought the whole Latin Group of Radio, and 17% belonged Santodomingo. This way, to Snail I Radiate he/she stopped having entails with to Caracol Televisión.
Radio Bemba Gíria of the Spanish language that means " of the mouth of the people ", that is to say, an information that doesn't have well-known origin.
It is said that certain information came of the " I radiate bemba " when he/she doesn't have illustrious origin. I Radiate it Gnome Invisible it is a net of radio that mind is reviewed to the mind transmitted by a located crystal machine in the Planeta Gong. Station Rádio Base (ERB) or “Cell site” it is the denomination given in a system of cellular telephony for the Fixed Station with that the mobile terminals communicate.
ERB is connected to a Central of Commutation and Control (CCC) that has interconexão with the commuted fixed phone service (STFC) and other CCC's, allowing calls among the cellular terminals and of them with the common fixed telephones.
In the architecture of some cellular systems the illustration of the Base Station Controller exists (BSC) that contains a group of ERBs before its connection with CCC.
A typical ERB is composed of the following elements: * Local where will be implanted.
* Infrastructure for the installation of the telecommunication equipments including the civil, electric part, climatization and energy CC with autonomy in case of lack of energy through batteries and in some case Group generating moto (GMG).
* Toast for placement of antennas for communication with the mobile terminals and connection of radio for CCC.
* Equipments of Teleco This tutorial will focus the implantação of ERBs for typical cells in cellular systems known as macro cells. A lot of the presented it is applied in reduced scale to personal computer cells.
Types of ERBs: Basically we have two types of ERB, comummente calls of: * Greenfield–those that they are installed in lands, that is to say, in the soil.
* Roof Top–those installed in pavements of covering of buildings Both can use telecommunication equipments “indoors” (inside of compartments), whose production characteristics determine the need of a climatization infrastructure, as equipments “outdoors” (out of compartments), that they are autonomous units, previously conceived outdoors for exhibition and dimensionadas to obtain an adapted ventilation.
This word is mentioned several times by singer Manu Chão in its music tunes in Spanish and also in " portunhol ".